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Call for Paper

we are inviting all motivated authors to submit their original research papers/case studies to NCETST2025 as per following dates through Microsoft CMT link Click here

in case of any query mail  to [email protected]

Conference Paper Template Click here

Conference Theme

Conference covers all the emerging trends & recent innovation from all the fields of Science & Technology. Topics from following themes are preferable :

  1. Emerging sustainable trends in science, engineering, and technology.
  2. Green technologies and innovations for a sustainable future.
  3. Water, air, soil, structure, transportation, remote sensing and geospatial technologies for sustainable development.
  4. New technologies, methods, materials and techniques in engineering
  5. Role of machine learning and artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, cyber security and data privacy and 5G technology for sustainable development.
  6. Recent research development and advancement in the field of production, welding, manufacturing, thermal, industrial engineering and advance manufacturing technologies of mechanical engineering.
  7. Recent advancement in RF circuits & system, devices circuits, robotics, control, instrumentation, automation and computational intelligence.
  8. AI in language learning and teaching, social media and transformation of ELT, social discourse and English language learning, English as second language, blended/embodied learning.
  9. Emerging and task-based power technologies in electronics, energy storage technologies, electric vehicle propulsion systems and their energy storage, control techniques for renewable energy systems.