About Electronics And Communication Engineering

About Electronics And Communication Engineering

Electronics and communication engineering (ECE) is a discipline of engineering that involves developing and testing electronic circuits and communication devices like transmitters, receivers, and integrated circuits. This stream of engineering also deals with analogue transmission, basic electronics, microprocessors, solid-state devices, digital and analogue communication, analogue integrated circuits, microwave engineering, satellite communication, antennae, and wave progression. It also deals with the manufacturing of electronic devices, circuits, and communications equipment.

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established in the year 2019. The Department offers the Bachelor of Technology graduation degree in ECE [B.Tech (ECE)]  since 2019 with a current annual intake of 60 students. Also, from the year 2023 we are ready with our one more branch i.e., ECE (VLSI) with a current annual intake of 60 students. Both courses in ECE are under the department of Bihar Engineering University, Patna. Syllabus of B.Tech ECE was designed as per AICTE model syllabus, which emphasizes the  different  core  technical  fields  of  ECE  like Basic Electronics, Analog Circuits, Analog and Digital Communication, Digital Electronics, Microprocessor and Microcontrollers, Signals and Systems, VLSI, Machine Learning, Linear Integrated Circuits, Semiconductors Physics and Device, Electricals and Electronics materials, Satellite Communication and Electromagnetic Field Theory. Apart from this we also offer courses on mathematics, management, soft skills to facilitate the students to know about the society, communication skills, environment and work culture of industries and organizations.

Hands on experience is also provided with the Lab facility of the department which is well furnished with basic and modern equipments. Department provide project on VERILOG, MATLAB, Python, Proteux software. Department also provide various workshops and seminars under its club named SANCHAAR Club.

The department has 7 highly qualified, trained, and experienced faculties from the premier institutes of India. The teaching and non-teaching staff of department are highly motivated and committed to facilitate the students for evolution of their skills to help them attain a higher degree of knowledge, global competency, and excellence, for the betterment of the society.