About Computer Science and Engineering

The primary objective of CSE department is to provide a high quality computer science education to students. The department offers an undergraduate degree program B.Tech (CSE). The Department comprises of 4 fully Air Conditioned Labs with latest systems, state of the art computing facilities with sufficient power supply backup.  Courses offered covers basics to advanced concepts of Computer Science Engineering . Apart from core subjects such as Object Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Operating Systems, Compiler Design and Software Engineering, the program constitutes inter disciplinary subjects such as Microprocessor, Digital Circuits and Systems, Analog and Digital Communication. Students learn several other concepts like Networking, Database Management System, Visualization and Web Technologies, AI, machine Learning, which have great practical utility in the society and demand in the industry.

Department is also running certain add-on courses , skill development programs , participation in technical competitions to induce professional skills among students .