1. Akhilesh Verma, Vijay Kumar Gupta and Savita Goel," Transient Liveness Factor (TLF) an Attempt Towards Identification of Innate Fingerprint Under Varying Spoof Sample", accepted to publish in International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Vol 26, No.1, pp. 14-27, 2023(SCOPUS). |
2. Akhilesh Verma, Vijay Kumar Gupta , Savita Goel, Akbar , Arun Kumar Yadav , Divakar Yadav, “Modeling Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Through Transient Liveness Factor-A Person Specific Approach”, Traitement du Signal, Vol. 38, No. 2, April, 2021, pp. 299-307, ISSN: 0765-0019, Feb 2021(SCIE, SCOPUS). |
3. Akhilesh Verma, Vijay Kumar Gupta and Savita Goel, “Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection in Open-Set Scenario using Transient Liveness Factor” ,Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications, volume 14, issue 8 , pages 2546 - 2554, ISSN: 2666-2566 ,2021(SCOPUS) |
4. Sulekha Saxena, Vijay Kumar Gupta, P. N. Hrisheekesha , R. S. Singh, “Prediction of Cardiac Disease Using Online Machine Learning”, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology ,Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 172-191, ISSN 1741-5047, 2021 (SCOPUS, ESCI) |
5. Sulekha Saxena, Vijay Kumar Gupta and P. N. Hrisheekesha, “Coronary Heart Disease Detection using Nonlinear Features and Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine”, Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, Vol. 31, No. 6 ,2019, ISSN 1793-7132 (SCOPUS) |
6. Garima Gupta, Vijay Kumar Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, Savita Joshi, “Performance Evaluation of Block based Video Watermarking after Attacks”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), , Volume-8, Issue-2S11, pp 225-233, ISSN: 2277-3878,September 2019 (SCOPUS) |
7.Sulekha Saxena, P. N. Hrisheekesha, Vijay Kumar Gupta, Ram Sewak Singh, “Detection of Congestive Heart Failure Based on Spectral Features and Extreme Learning Machine”, Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) , , Volume-8, Issue-9S,pp 851-862, July 2019,( SCOPUS) |
8. Deepak Kumar Gupta, Vijay Kumar Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, "Performance Analysis of MSFRLS-VFF Based Real-Time Adaptive Noise Canceller with RLS and APA Algorithms using TMS320C6713 Processor", Wireless Personal Communications, vol106, pp 2113–2127, 2018, ( SCI, SCOPUS) |
9. Deepak Kumar Gupta, Vijay Kumar Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, “Real Time Implementation of Parallel Architecture Based Noise Minimization from Speech Signals on FPGA” , Wireless Personal Communications, vol 103, pp 1941–1963 (2018) ( SCI, SCOPUS) |
10. Deepak Kumar Gupta, Vijay Kumar Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, A. N.Mashra,”New Optimal Variable Step Size Adaptive Regularization Affine Projection Algorithm ”, International Journal of Speech Technology (2019) vol. 22, pp.179–189 (SCOPUS) |
11. Garima Gupta, V K Gupta and Mahesh Chandra, " An Efficient Video Watermarking Based Security Model ", Microsystem Technologies, vol 24, pp 2539–2548 (2018) (SCOPUS, SCI ) |
12. Garima Gupta, V. K. Gupta and Mahesh Chandra, "A Comparative Analysis for Video Watermarking Techniques", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10(1), pp.1-4, January 2017 |
13. Deepak Gupta, V K Gupta and Mahesh Chandra," Performance Comparison of Different Affine Projection Algorithms for Noise Minimization from Speech Signals ",International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol. 10, No. 1,pp.261-270, Jan 2017 |
14. Sakshi Gaur, V K Gupta, “A Review on Filtered-X LMS Algorithm”, International Journal of Signal Processing System, volume 4, no. 2,pp. 172-176, June 2016 |
15. V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, S. N. Sharan, “Acoustic Echo and Noise Cancellation System for Hand-Free Telecommunication using Variable Step Size Algorithms”, Radioengineering, vol.22, no.1,pp.200-207, April 2013(SCOPUS, SCI ) |
16.V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, S. N. Sharan, “Noise Minimization from Speech Signals using RLS Algorithm with Variable Forgetting Factor,” Research Journal on Applied Science, Engineering & Technology, vol.4, no.17, pp. 3102-3107, 2012 |
17. Garima Gupta, V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, "A Review on Video Watermarking Techniques in Spatial and Transform Domain", book chapter in Springer Book Series on "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing", Volume 434, 2016, pp 683-691. |
18. Prateek Saxena, V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra," Musical Noise Reduction Capability of Various Speech Enhancement Algorithms ",, book chapter in Springer Book Series on "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing", Volume 434, 2016, pp 693-701 . |
19. D. K. Gupta, V. K. Gupta and Mahesh Chandra, “Review Paper on Linear and Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation”, book chapter in Springer Book Series on "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing", Volume 328, 2015, pp 465-473 . |
20. V. K. Gupta, D. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra, “Real time noise canceller using modified sigmoid function RLS algorithm”, book chapter in Springer Book Series on "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing", Volume 332, 2015, pp 63-70 . |
21. Asutosh Kar, Pankaj Goel, Mahesh Chandra, Vijay Kumar Gupta, “A Low-Cost, Portable Alternative for a Digital Lock-In Amplifier Using TMS320C5535”, IEEE TENCON-2014, ,pp.1-5, Thailand, 2014. |
22. Pankaj Goel, Prateek Saxena, Mahesh Chandra and V. K. Gupta, “Comparative Analysis of Speech Enhancement Methods”, Tenth IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN2013),pp.1-5, 26-28 July 2013. |
23. V. K. Gupta, Mahesh Chandra and S. N. Sharan, “Real Time Implementation of Adaptive Noise Canceller,” Proceedings of International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ICSCI-2012), pp. 24-28, Feb. 15-18, 2012. |
24. V. K. Gupta, Anirban Bhowmick, Mahesh Chandra, S. N. Sharan, “Speech Enhancement using MMSE Estimation and Spectral Subtraction Methods,” IEEE International Conference on Devices and Communications (ICDeCom-11),BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, India,pp.1-5, 24-25 FEB 2011 |