Analog electronics deals with circuits and devices that process continuous signals, as opposed to digital electronics, which operates with discrete signals.


  1. Obtaining the frequency response of an emitter follower circuit and calculation of its gain-bandwidth product.


  1. Obtaining the frequency response of a two stage RC coupled amplifier & analyzing the loading effect on the first stage.


  1. Design of an Phase Shift Oscillator and calculation of its frequency of oscillation.


  1. Design of a Wein Bridge Oscillator and calculation of its frequency of oscillation


  1. Obtaining the frequency response of JFET amplifier & calculation of its gain- bandwidth product.


  1. Obtaining the frequency response of I order inverting active low pass filter circuit using IC 741 OP-AMP.


  1. Design of an RC High Pass filler circuit & observing its response to sinusoidal and square wave inputs.


  1. Design of an RC Low Pass filter circuit & observing its response to sinusoidal and square wave inputs.


  1. Obtaining the frequency response of 1″ order non-inverting active low pass filter circuit using IC 741 OP-AMP


  1. Implementation of cascode (CE-CB) amplifier and plotting its frequency response