Analog electronics deals with circuits and devices that process continuous signals, as opposed to digital electronics, which operates with discrete signals.
- Obtaining the frequency response of an emitter follower circuit and calculation of its gain-bandwidth product.
- Obtaining the frequency response of a two stage RC coupled amplifier & analyzing the loading effect on the first stage.
- Design of an Phase Shift Oscillator and calculation of its frequency of oscillation.
- Design of a Wein Bridge Oscillator and calculation of its frequency of oscillation
- Obtaining the frequency response of JFET amplifier & calculation of its gain- bandwidth product.
- Obtaining the frequency response of I order inverting active low pass filter circuit using IC 741 OP-AMP.
- Design of an RC High Pass filler circuit & observing its response to sinusoidal and square wave inputs.
- Design of an RC Low Pass filter circuit & observing its response to sinusoidal and square wave inputs.
- Obtaining the frequency response of 1″ order non-inverting active low pass filter circuit using IC 741 OP-AMP
- Implementation of cascode (CE-CB) amplifier and plotting its frequency response